Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Truth

John 8:32 states "and you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free."  There truly is freedom in the truth.  So many of us are afraid of the truth.  I think that we sometimes feel that the truth will somehow draw a picture of an unhappy or bitter person.  There are ways to be truthful and loving even when the truth isn't so pretty.  Ephesians 4:29 " You must let no unwholesome word come out of your mouth, but only what is beneficial for the building up of the one in need, 34  that it may give grace to those who hear."

How can I do that?  I'm sure you have asked yourself this question many times.  The answer is simple, pray before you speak and allow God to guide your tongue.  There are times when the truth will not only set you free but set someone else free as well.  Imagine a parent who has a child that has not quite mastered toilet training but they consisently tell them they have as they continue to go through life wetting and soiling their pants well into middle school.  At some point someone has to love that child enough to potty train him and honestly tell him that his mess making is unacceptable.

The same thing occurs when we are placed in a position to tell the truth but lie in an effort to save face or not hurt someone's feelings.  What kind of world would we live in if the DMV felt this way and awarded driver's licenses to every man or woman who failed the eye exam and even road test.  We wouldn't feel comfortable driving or walking for that matter.

I have recently been on a personal journey with dishonest people very close to me.  In one instance we managed to break through the uncomfortable lies and have an honest converstation.  The person admitting that they hated confrontation and avoided it at all costs.  In an effort to be nonconfrontational they simply chose to live behind lies.  The lies were not intended to be malicious or hurtful but ultimately they were.  You see the person never realized that withholding the truth was simply deceptive and created tension that was ultimately lifted when the truth was exposed.

In Genesis when God created man and woman the bible says they were "naked and not ashamed."  The truth takes away shame.  Adam and Eve's shame came about when they allowed themselves to be deceived by a lie.  Dishonesty brings about shame. Romans 8:1 says "there is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."  The truth provides healing when spoken in love.  Yes, sometimes the truth is hard to hear, but the truth spoken in love will be heard at the moment or at a moment sometime later and it will bring freedom.

When the woman in John 8 was about to be stoned to death because she was caught in the act of adultery, Jesus responded with a truthful answer "Whoever among you is guiltless may throw the first stone at her."  At the end of that statement everyone walked away.  Some of us may have chosen to "keep our peace" but in doing so a woman would have lost her life.

I am writing this post today to encourage you to tell the truth in an effort to help someone or some organization become better than they are.  If your co-worker offends you by making fat jokes on a daily basis, pull them to the side and express your concern.  You may be saving them from future damaged relationships or even job loss.  If McDonalds serves you an egg mcmuffin with a heaping side of hair, let them know.  There may be a need to have all employees wear hair nets and your comment could very well be the one that keeps that franchise in business.  If your sister invites you to partner with her in a new beauty salon and you are not interested, tell her no and explain why.  Your honesty and truthful explanation could potentially catapult her into million dollar success.

Half hearted commitment is just as bad as a lie.  Its better to say no and go on to explain your no if you have established a connection with the individual in question.  When you commit as a result of a lie it does more damage than good.  Your deception leaves questions in the mind of the recepient. They are left to wonder why and this leads to resentment and bitterness.  You may have valid reasons and you may have no ill will, but one ingredient for success in relationships is absent, THE TRUTH.

We have to learn to become naked and unashamed.  Christians have to stop hiding behind their faith using it as a tool for cowardice acts or endeavors.  Don't blame God when you were not bold enough to be honest.  His perfect example to all man kind is Jesus Christ.  Christ was never afraid to make a decision and articulate the truth in any arena of life.  We too have the same freedom and opportunity to leave a great legacy.  Jesus said in John 14:12" I tell you the solemn truth, 26  the person who believes in me will perform 27  the miraculous deeds 28  that I am doing, 29  and will perform 30  greater deeds 31  than these, because I am going to the Father."

Truthful living is miraculous.  I am praying daily to be able to embrace the truth without fear and hope that others will join me in this quest. 

 I know what it feels like to walk blindly longing for someone to tell me that I am walking into a wall only to find out later as I am tending to a wound that a companion saw the wall in front of me but chose to allow me to hit it because they didn't want to disturb my walk.  As a result of my experience I choose to help someone along the way, walking toward the TRUTH, THE WAY AND THE LIFE!